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2001年3月-2002年3月,美国Vanderbilt University分子流行病学博士后



主要研究方向为感染性疾病的诊治与发病机制研究。先后承担:国家“十一五”、“十二五” 、“十三五”传染病重大专项、“十二五”和“十三五”新药创制平台、“863”、“973”(子课题)、国家自然科学基金(五项);美国盖茨基金、美国NIH项目(二项);国家临床重点专科、国家卫计委、上海市科委基金、上海市卫计委“公共卫生三年行动计划”(二项)等30余项科研课题。以第一作者或通讯作者在国内外发表各类论文400余篇,其中在SCI引用杂志包括《New England Journal of Medicine》、《Emerging Infectious Diseases》、《AIDS》、《Plos one》、《Journal of Clinical Microbiology》发表论著100余篇;已主编专业参考书12部。已获上海医学科技奖一等奖等10项省部级科技成果奖、获专利4项。先后入选:国家百千万人才工程、“有突出贡献中青年专家”、上海科技进步奖-科普人才、全国道德模范与身边好人(中国好医生)、科学中国人(2016)年度人物、“最美援外医生”、“影响中国”(2014年度)科技人物、第二届上海市“人道博爱奖”;“上海领军人才”、“上海市优秀学科带头人”、“上海市医学领军人才”、上海市“五一劳动奖章”获得者、上海市卫生系统 “银蛇奖”、 “仁心医者▪上海市杰出专科医师奖”、“医务工匠”、文明职工、“创新之星”、“优秀发明银奖”;上海市卫生局先进工作者并行政记大功一次、上海市科委“明治乳业科学奖”;美国肝病学会-亚太肝病学会奖、艾滋病国际倡导联盟“精忠奖”。



深圳市首届疫情防控公共卫生专家组组长,教育部长江学者、国家百千万人才工程、“有突出贡献中青年专家”、享受国务院特殊津贴。入选美国斯坦福大学2021、 2022年全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单及《终身科学影响力排行榜》。


《Drug Discoveries& Therapeutics》杂志国际领域首席编辑和执行编辑;《AIDS中文版》杂志主编;《Radiology of Infectious Diseases》、《诊断学理论与实践》、《热带病与寄生虫学》、《微生物与感染》、《中国真菌学杂志》、《中华临床感染病杂志》、《新发传染病》副主编;《Chinese Journal of Medicine》、《Emerging Microbes and Infections》、《BioScience Trends》、《Infection International》、《Global Health & Medicine》、《中国抗感染与化疗杂志》、《中华传染病杂志》、《中国艾滋病性病》、《内科学理论与实践》、《临床内科杂志》、《中国抗生素杂志》、《世界临床药物》、《上海医药》等十余本杂志的编委。《The Lancet》、《Journal of Clinical Microbiology》、《Mycoses》等英文期刊审稿人。默克诊疗手册(第18、19、20版感染性疾病章节)主译。


1.Wang J, Li Q, Qiu Y, Lu H. COVID-19: imbalanced cell-mediated immune response drives to immunopathology[J]. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2022,11(1):2393-2404.

2.Zhang P, Ren T, Lu H, et al. A feasibility study of Covid-19 detection using breath analysis by high-pressure photon ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry[J]. Journal of Breath Research. 2022,16(4):10.

3.Yang Y, Gong X, Lu H, et al. Comparative neutralization profiles of naive and breakthrough infections with Delta, Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 variants of SARS-CoV-2[J]. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2022,7(1):316.

4.Liu X, Zhu Z, Miao Q, Lim JW, Lu H. Monkeypox-A danger approaching Asia[J]. BioScience Trends. 2022,16(4):245-248.

5.Liu X, Zhu Z, Lu H, et al. Monkeypox claims new victims: the outbreak in men who have sex with men[J]. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. 2022,23;11(1):84.

6.Liu X, Wang H, Zhu Z, Zhang L, Cao J, Zhang L, Yang H, Wen H, Hu Y, Chen C, Lu H. Exploring bridge symptoms in HIV-positive people with comorbid depressive and anxiety disorders[J]. BMC Psychiatry. 2022,22(1):448.

7.Yi C, Ling Z, Lu X, Fu Y, Yang Z, Wangmo S, Chen S, Zhang Y, Ma L, Gu W, Lu H, Sun X, Sun B. A SARS-CoV-2 antibody retains potent neutralization against Omicron by targeting conserved RBM residues[J]. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2022,19(5):647-649.

8.Su B, Yao C, Lu H, et al. Long-acting HIV fusion inhibitor albuvirtide combined with ritonavir-boosted lopinavir for HIV-1-infected patients after failing the first-line antiretroviral therapy: 48-week randomized, controlled, phase 3 non-inferiority TALENT study[J]. The Journal of infection. 2022,85(3):334-363.

9.Li X, Wu L, Qu Y, Cao M, Feng J, Huang H, Liu Y, Lu H, Liu Q, Liu Y. Clinical characteristics and vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariant BA.2 in the children[J]. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therap. 2022,7(1):203.

10.Yang S, Ling Y, Lu H, et al. Hymecromone: a clinical prescription hyaluronan inhibitor for efficiently blocking COVID-19 progression[J]. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therap. 2022,7(1):91.

11.Hu J, Gu L, Lu H, et al. Long-term case-fatality rate of nontuberculous mycobacterial disease in people living with HIV[J]. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. 2022;11(1):16.

12.Liu D, Gu L, Zhang R, Liu L, Shen Y, Shao Y, Wang J, Sun J, Qi T, Wang Z, Tang Y, Song W, Xun J, Lu H, Chen J. Utility of urine lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in diagnosing mycobacteria infection among hospitalized HIV-positive patients[J]. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2022,118:65-70.

13.Li W, Yang S, Lu H, et al. SARS-CoV-2 RNA elements share human sequence identity and upregulate hyaluronan via NamiRNA-enhancer network[J]. EBioMedicine. 2022,76:103861.

14.YangYang, Gong X, Yang L, et al. Regular and booster vaccination with inactivated vaccines enhance the neutralizing activity against Omicron variant both in the breakthrough infections and vaccinees[J].  The Journal of infection. 2022,84(4):579-613.

15.Wang Y, Liu M, Lu H, et al. Novel sarbecovirus bispecific neutralizing antibodies with exceptional breadth and potency against currently circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants and sarbecoviruses[J].Cell Discovery. 2022;8(1):36.

16.Li Q, Wang L, Wang B, Lu H. The COVID-19-designated hospitals in China: preparing for public health emergencies[J]. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2021,10(1):998-1001.

17.Chen J, Liu D, Yin L, Zhang L, Lu H. Can we use hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 now? [J] International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2021,57(1):106173.

18.Bao Y, Ling Y, Lu H, et al. Dynamic anti-spike protein antibody profiles in COVID-19 patients[J]. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2021,103:540-548.

19.Chen J, Zhang R, Lu H, et al. Clinical usefulness of metagenomic next-generation sequencing for the diagnosis of central nervous system infection in people living with HIV[J]. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2021;107:139-144.

20.Stratton CW, Tang YW, Lu H. Pathogenesis-directed therapy of 2019 novel coronavirus disease[J]. Journal of medical virology. 2021,93(3):1320-1342.

21.Meng X, Wang P, Xiong Y, Wu Y, Lin X, Lu S, Li R, Zhao B, Liu J, Zeng S, Zeng L, Wu Y, Lu Y, Zhang J, Liu D, Wang S, Lu H. Safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetic characteristics, and immunogenicity of MW33: a Phase 1 clinical study of the SARS-CoV-2 RBD-targeting monoclonal antibody[J]. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2021,10(1):1638-1648.

22.Xie G, Ding F, Han L, Yin D, Lu H, Zhang M. The role of peripheral blood eosinophil counts in COVID-19 patients[J].Allergy. 2021,76(2):471-482.

23.Qiu C, Song Z, Wang J, Tian C, Liu X, Wu T, Li W, Zhang S, Lu H. Saliva specimen complements anal swab in assessing patients with COVID-19 for discharge from hospital[J]. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2021,10(1):2090-2097.

24.Yi C, Sun X, Lin Y, Gu C, Ding L, Lu X, Yang Z, Zhang Y, Ma L, Gu W, Qu A, Zhou X, Li X, Xu J, Ling Z, Xie Y, Lu H, Sun B. Comprehensive mapping of binding hot spots of SARS-CoV-2 RBD-specific neutralizing antibodies for tracking immune escape variants[J]. Genome Medicine. 2021,13(1):164.

25. Tan Y, Zhang W, Zhu Z, Qiao N, Ling Y, Guo M, Yin T, Fang H, Xu X, Lu G, Zhang P, Yang S, Fu Z, Liang D, Xie Y, Zhang R, Jiang L, Yu S, Lu J, Jiang F, Chen J, Xiao C, Wang S, Chen S, Bian XW, Lu H, Liu F, Chen S. Integrating longitudinal clinical laboratory tests with targeted proteomic and transcriptomic analyses reveal the landscape of host responses in COVID-19[J]. Cell Discovery. 2021,7(1):42.

26. Li T, Lu H, Zhang W. Clinical observation and management of COVID-19 patients[J]. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2020,9(1):687-690.

27.Feng Y, Ling Y, Bai T, Xie Y, Huang J, Li J, Xiong W, Yang D, Chen R, Lu F, Lu Y, Liu X, Chen Y, Li X, Li Y, Summah HD, Lin H, Yan J, Zhou M, Lu H, Qu J. COVID-19 with Different Severities: A Multicenter Study of Clinical Features[J]. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. 2020,201(11):1380-1388.

28.Chen J, Chen R, Shen Y, Wei H, Wang X, Zhang R, Hu Z, Xie R, Huang Q, Wang J, Liu L, Qi T, Wang Z, Song W, Tang Y, Sun J, Lu H. Efficacy and safety of lower dose tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and efavirenz versus standard dose in HIV-infected, antiretroviral-naive adults: a multicentre, randomized, noninferiority trial[J].Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2020,9(1):843-850.

29.Yi Z, Ling Y, Zhang X, Chen J, Hu K, Wang Y, Song W, Ying T, Zhang R, Lu H, Yuan Z. Functional mapping of B-cell linear epitopes of SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 convalescent population[J]. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2020,9(1):1988-1996.

30. Zhang X, Tan Y, Ling Y, Lu G, Liu F, Yi Z, Jia X, Wu M, Shi B, Xu S, Chen J, Wang W, Chen B, Jiang L, Yu S, Lu J, Wang J, Xu M, Yuan Z, Zhang Q, Zhang X, Zhao G, Wang S, Chen S, Lu H. Viral and host factors related to the clinical outcome of COVID-19[J]. Nature. 2020,583(7816):437-440.

31. Chen J, Qi T, Liu L, Ling Y, Qian Z, Li T, Li F, Xu Q, Zhang Y, Xu S, Song Z, Zeng Y, Shen Y, Shi Y, Zhu T, Lu H. Clinical progression of patients with COVID-19 in Shanghai, China[J]. The Journal of infection. 2020,80(5):e1-e6.

32. Lu H, Stratton CW, Tang YW. An evolving approach to the laboratory assessment of COVID-19[J]. Journal of medical virology. 2020,92(10):1812-1817.

33.Lu H, Stratton CW, Tang YW. Outbreak of pneumonia of unknown etiology in Wuhan, China: The mystery and the miracle[J]. Journal of medical virology. 2020,92(4):401-402.

34. Shen Y, Zheng F, Sun D, Ling Y, Chen J, Li F, Li T, Qian Z, Zhang Y, Xu Q, Liu L, Huang Q, Shan F, Xu L, Wu J, Zhu Z, Song Z, Li S, Shi Y, Zhang J, Wu X, Mendelsohn JB, Zhu T, Lu H. Epidemiology and clinical course of COVID-19 in Shanghai, China[J]. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2020,9(1):1537-1545.

35.Liu XH, Lu SH, Chen J, Xia L, Yang ZG, Charles S, Yang Y, Lin Y, Lu HZ. Clinical characteristics of foreign-imported COVID-19 cases in Shanghai, China[J]. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2020,9(1):1230-1232.

36.Lu H, Stratton CW, Tang YW. An evolving approach to the laboratory assessment of COVID-19[J]. Journal of medical virology. 2020,92(10):1812-1817.

37. Fu W, Liu Y, Xia L, Li M, Song Z, Hu H, Yang Z, Wang L, Cheng X, Wang M, Jiang R, Liu L, Mao X, Chen J, Ling Y, Zhang L, Yan J, Shan F, Steinhart C, Zhang X, Zhu T, Xu J, Lu H. A clinical pilot study on the safety and efficacy of aerosol inhalation treatment of IFN-κ plus TFF2 in patients with moderate COVID-19[J]. EClinicalMedicine. 2020,25:100478.

38. Lu H, Stratton CW, Tang YW. The Wuhan SARS-CoV-2-What's next for China[J]. Journal of medical virology. 2020,92(6):546-547.

39.Lu H, Tang YW. Myths in the laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection[J]. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2019,8(1):1240-1242.

40.Yang J, Chen J, Ji Y, Tang Q, Zhang R, Liu L, Shen Y, Xun J, Song W, Tang Y, Wang Z, Qi T, Lu H. Lipid profile and renal safety of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-based anti-retroviral therapy in HIV-infected Chinese patients[J]. International journal of infectious diseases. 2019,83:64-71.

41.Sun Y, Xu L, Zhang F, Song Z, Hu Y, Ji Y, Shen J, Li B, Lu H, Yang H. A promising magnetic SERS immunosensor for sensitive detection of avian influenza virus[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2017,89(Pt 2):906-912.

42.Ji YJ, Liang PP, Shen JY, Sun JJ, Yang JY, Chen J, Qi TK, Wang ZY, Song W, Tang Y, Liu L, Zhang RF, Shen YZ, Lu HZ. Risk factors affecting the mortality of HIV-infected patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the cART era: a retrospective cohort study in China[J]. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. 2018,7(1):25.

43.Ji Y, Zhang F, Zhang R, Shen Y, Liu L, Wang J, Yang J, Tang Q, Xun J, Qi T, Wang Z, Song W, Tang Y, Chen J, Lu H. Changes in intestinal microbiota in HIV-1-infected subjects following cART initiation: influence of CD4+ T cell count[J].  Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2018,7(1):113.